Gus is a 4 ½-year-old boy, who was born and lives here in Brevard with his parents, Geraldine & Jacob Dinkins. He loves big yellow construction machines, salami, helicopters, cuddles, hide-and-seek, and climbing anything precariously high.
Gus also has Autism.
Autism is a complex developmental disability that affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. As a “spectrum disorder” it is defined by a certain set of behaviors that affect individuals differently and to varying degrees. The prevalence of autism has been increasing, and it is now estimated that 1 in every 106 children born in the United States of America will be diagnose with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
In order to highlight the growing need for concern and awareness for Autism, the US recognizes April as Autism Awareness Month and offers this designation as a special opportunity to educate the public about Autism and issues within the Autism community.
In effort to bring this national cause home to Brevard and to build Autism awareness in our local community we are holding an Autism Awareness Silent Auction at the Hobnob Restaurant on April 27th. We are reaching out to local businesses and individuals with a request for donations of items for the silent auction.
The money raised from the auction will be used to send Gus to Camp Lakey Gap, a summer camp that specializes in providing children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, a summer camp experience in an environment that is equipped to provide for their unique needs. Campers with autism grow emotionally and socially at camp by experiencing social success, trying new things, and being supported in a positive and loving environment.
Because of high staffing requirements, extensive training and time-consuming logistics, the cost of Camp Lakey Gap is beyond the Dinkins family’s current means. Our hope is to raise enough to provide Gus with an unforgettable week of fun and growth at camp this summer. It may take a village to raise a child, and it this case a giving community like Brevard to send a special-needs child like Gus to camp for one week.
Monies raised beyond the cost of camp tuition for Gus will be donated to Camp Lakey Gap’s scholarship fund to help provide other children with Autism the opportunity to benefit from this unique programming.
Please consider donating an item or service to our silent auction to be held at the Hobnob Restaurant, April 27, 2012. There will be wine and beer as well light hors d’ouvres and hopefully live music.
Our hope is to feature the talents of the many creative and innovative people that call Brevard home. We envision this auction to be as varied as the people who live here, so no item or service will be too small or too big – we want to be all inclusive and warmly accepting, just as we want people to be with Gus and others on the Autism Spectrum.
Be creative, if you don’t sell or make goods, offer your services. We are featuring everything from massages, to tennis lessons, to flower arrangements and even a few framed works of art by Gus himself (signed and numbered).
We will market this event in the local media and will have advertising opportunities for your business or talent at the event. We are also are able to provide documentation for your tax deductible donation.
To make a donation, please call us at 384-1465 or e-mail s at or friend Geraldine Dinkins on Facebook. We will get in touch with you for pickup and further information.
Thank you for supporting National Autism Awareness Month in April 2012 at the local level here in Transylvania County.
And thank you for your help in providing a meaningful experience for Gus this summer.
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